Victor Bustamante Harfush
Director of Administration and Finance
Victor has a Bachelor's Degree in Public Accounting and a Master's Degree in Business Administration by the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). He has more than 25 years of experience in transnational and national companies in the financial, automotive and construction sectors.
Throughout his professional career, he has held positions in the areas of auditing, accounting, portfolio, controllership, and financial management, always having a relationship with and knowledge of the areas of treasury, taxes, reporting, and planning, as well as oriented towards working towards objectives in a internal control environment and corporate governance.
He worked professionally in:
• KPMG, Cardenas Dosal, SC
• International Bank, S.A. (HSBC)
• DaimlerChrysler Financial Services
• Nissan-Renault Finance Mexico
• Bovis Lend Lease
• BH Consultants and Associates
• DIMX Corporation
Currently, he is Director of Administration and Finance at the law firm Sánchez Devanny-Eseverri, SC
Paseo de las Palmas 525 Floor 6
Col. Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico City11000 Mexico